Knowledge of Islamic studies is very important for all Muslims. We must know the depths of our religion so that we can act upon it rightly and also guide others towards right knowledge of our Deen. If you want to acquire complete knowledge of our religion, you can opt for our interesting and interactive Islamic studies  online course program. Our other course, the Ijazah course online, helps a learner in gaining the online Ijazah so that he/ she can learn the Quran efficiently and can also do the noble work of teaching others.

Narrated Uthman bin Affan:

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The most superior among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.”

What Is Islamic Studies Online Course?

Narrated Ibn Mas`ud:

“I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, “There is no envy except in two: a person who God has given wealth and he spends it in the right way, and a person whom Allah has given wisdom (ie religious knowledge) and he gives His decisions accordingly and teaches it to the others. “ (Sahih al-Bukhari 1409)

Islamic studies online course by language of the quran academy gives you the opportunity to learn about the Islam and rich Islamic History. Through the Islamic Studies course a person learns about:

  • Aqeedah
  • Fiqh
  • Hadith and Sunnah
  • Islamic History


Aqeedah can be defined as faith upon something strongly. There is no place of doubt in Aqeedah. Is the creed of faith.

 Hence, Islamic studies courses give a deep understanding of Aqeedah as well as consolidate the Aqeedah of Muslims. The learner will learn about:

  • Creed
  • Types of Aqeedah
  • The depth of Aqeedah and it’s meaning
  • Aqeedah in Allah (monotheism), angels, Prophets, Day of Resurrection, and more


The literal meaning of Fiqh in Arabic is “deep understanding.” Through this section of Islamic studies online course program a learner develops a deep understanding of the Islamic laws. When we studies about Fiqh, we become clear in our interpretation of:

  • Wajib
  • Haraam
  • Mandub
  • Makruh
  • Mubah

A learner can Learn Fiqh topics from the four school of thoughts i.e. Malki, Shafi, Hanfi and Hanbali.

If you are not aware of these topics then you must enroll for the Islamic studies online course program by Alesra Academy.


We all should have a deep knowledge of Hadith because it clearly acts as our guidance to live our lives. And also guide us about the Hereafter. This course covers all the Mustanad books such as:

  • Sahih al-Bukhari
  • Sahih Muslim
  • Sunan an-Nasa’i
  • Sunan Abi Dawud
  • Jami` at-Tirmidhi
  • Sunan Ibn Majah
  • Riyad as-Salihin

Islamic History

Our Islamic history is filled with so much courage, strength, and  an awe-inspiring story that fills the heart of a believer with lots of enthusiasm. Adults and kids must know about our rich Islamic history. Through the Islamic studies course a student learns about:

  • Period of Khilafat-e-Rashida
  • Caliphate of Umayyad dynasty
  • Caliphate of Abbasid dynasty.

The Islamic studies online course program is not limited to studies under these sections but there are around 10-12 levels present in this course. A learner also learns deeply about:

  • Five pillars of Islam

We must have a deep knowledge of five pillars of Islam so that we can act upon it rightly and understand their importance.

  • Salat and Ablution

Salat is the part of five pillars of Islam and also a necessity part of a Muslim’s life. We must know how to pray our obligatory prayers and perform Ablution effectively so that we can earn more and more rewards and there are less chances of errors.

  • Masnoon Dua and supplication

Dua is an important part of our lives. It’s importance is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah 186:

And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad s.a.w.) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be on the right path.”

  • The life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
  • Manners and etiquette in the light of Islam
  • Stories from the Quran and stories of Prophets.

The Ijazah course

The Ijazah course helps you in gaining Ijazah. The Ijazah is a kind of license or a permission that gives learners an authorisation to transmit the knowledge or text to others on the authority of the one who already has the license.

One must strive to learn the Quran with Tajweed, attain proficiency in recitation and memorization, and try to gain Ijazah so that they can opt to work for spreading Islam and gaining more rewards by doing this noble deeds also.

How to gain Ijazah?

The enthusiasts can learn Ijazah memorization of the Quran by heart and reciting the Whole of the Quran with Tajweed to the tutors. The interested person also has to pass Tajweed tests in order to attain the Ijazah.

Do not get disheartened if you feel that you have to start from level one to attain the Ijazah. Just remember that the qualified Quran tutors online at the language of the quran academy are determined to teach you the best.

You can start from the foundation course that is beneficial for beginners and kids. When you enroll for the foundation course, you learn all the basics that start from learning about the understanding of the Arabic alphabets, Tajweed, and more!

Once you pass the foundation course, you not only earn a certificate but also become eligible to reach the next level, which can be a Quran recitation course with Tajweed. And next can be a Quran memorization course followed by gaining Ijazah.

Benefits of gaining Ijazah

  • You become authorized to teach the Quran and be associated with the highest sanad in the world.
  • It is the best way to understand our religion and the Quran completely.
  • Teaching the Quran to others makes us worthy of rewards.
  • We understand the meaning of every Surah and it helps in improving our Salah, Dua, and connection with Allah SWT.

Gaining Ijazah makes you worthy of being an Imam.

There are many other benefits also that include better spiritual, mental, and physical health too.

language of the quran academy teaches you every section of Islamic studies in a beneficial and effective manner to Adults and Kids. Our Ijazah course also helps students to attain Ijazah from the eminent tutors that have attained Ijazah themselves from the Al-Azhar University and holds the highest sanad in the world. Learn everything about Islamic studies and gain Ijazah to master your Quran recitation and memorization and earn lots of rewards.

Book your free trial class today and experience the best of the bests at the comfort of your home!