Imam al-Shafi’i (rahimahullaah) said,

 “It is obligatory upon every Muslim to learn from the Arabic language what allows him to make effort in fulfilling his obligations.” (Irshaad al-Fuhool, p. 421)

Learn Arabic language by enrolling in the Arabic language course online that helps you master the Arabic language in a short span of time. Our native Arabic language tutors leave no stone unturned to make your process of learning easy and efficient. This Arabic language course is designed in such a way that it benefits adults and kids to a greater extent through the interactive methodology that is made available to you online by Alesra Academy.

Importance of Arabic language course

Undoubtedly, Arabic is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. It is indeed very special because the Book of Allah is revealed in Arabic language to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Eminent Khalifa Ameer ul Momineen Hadhrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab (R.A) said that:

Learn the Arabic (language) because it is from your religion, and learn the laws of inheritance because it is from your religion.” (Reported by Ibn Abee Shaybah 6/118)

These words by Umar ibn Al-Khattab (R.A)  state the importance of Arabic language and compel every Muslim to at least try to learn the Arabic language in the lifetime.

Hence, the availability of Arabic language courses online is a beneficial source of learning the Arabic language irrespective of your demographic differences.

Also, Arabic language has been the language of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Hence, a true believer who loves to follow Sunnah feels obligated towards learning the Arabic language.

As stated by Imam al-Shawkaanee (rahimahullah):

 “Know that when the Book and the Sunnah have come in the language of the Arabs and knowledge of them is dependent upon knowledge of (Arabic) then knowledge of it is the most important of obligations.” (Irshaad al-Fuhool)

Many great scholars have already regarded learning the Arabic language as an obligation. And indeed when we think deeply, we feel the importance of Arabic language as it promotes a better understanding of the holy Quran and other Islamic books and studies. As mentioned in Al-Zukhruf verse 3:

“Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand“.

Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said: “For the Arabic language itself is from the religion, having knowledge of it is an obligation because understanding the Book and the Sunnah is an obligation. And (the religion) cannot be understood except by understanding the Arabic language, and that without which an obligation cannot be fulfilled is itself obligatory. Then from it is that which is obligatory upon everyone individually, and from it is that which is a collective obligation.” (al-Iqtidaa)

The Objective of the Arabic language course

There may be many reasons to learn the Arabic language. Any person can learn Arabic to become bilingual. Or someone may think about learning Arabic language so that their meetings and greetings can become easier in Arabia. Or one can also learn Arabic to understand the Quran and other Islamic books and increase their knowledge. Hence, there are four different courses that make you well versed with the Arabic language and make it easy for you to set your motive.

  1. Egyptian Dialect Arabic language course

Under this course, the learner gains fluency in conventional skills as the Egyptian Dialect is the most commonly spoken throughout Arabia. If anyone is planning to shift to the Arab countries then he/she should enroll in Egyptian Dialect Arabic language course so that they can learn the language perfectly by our native Arabic tutors and be a part of their new abode effortlessly.

  1. Classical Arabic language course

This course is very beneficial for anyone who seeks for deeper knowledge of the religion, our Holy Quran, and other notable scriptures of Hadiths. Along with gaining the totally fluent conversational skills, the learner will also be able to reflect on each and every word of the Quran, reflect more about the Surahs in the prayers, and understand the hadith and Sunnah efficiently.

  1. Advanced Arabic language course

Know the Arabic language through various sciences that include:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Grammar
  • Morphology
  • Orientation
  • Poetry
  • Scriptures

This advanced Arabic language course will make the Arabic language a part of your personality and grant its learner an advanced level of proficiency in the Arabic language.

  1. Kids Arabic language course

What can be better for kids than the Arabic language course from the native tutors that make them master the Arabic language from a young age! Just imagine how fruitful it will be if your kids start reflecting on the Quran from a young age just because they can clearly understand what is written in Arabic in the holy Book of Allah.

The step by step method of teaching that starts with Arabic alphabets, small sentences, puzzles, stories, and interactive quizzes can take your children ahead in being bilingual as well as understanding the Quran and Sunnah more beneficially.

Outcomes of Arabic language course

language of the quran academy is determined to give you the best results at the end of your online Arabic language course. By the end of your Arabic language course, you will not only be proficient in minute details like alphabets, vowels, sukoon, shaddah, tanween,madd, rules and more. But you will also develop an understanding of nouns, Declension

In-declension, Verb Forms, idafa expression, Nominal sentences, Inna and its sisters, Kaana and its sisters, Verbal sentence, Adverbs, and more.

The Salient features of our Arabic language course

  • Learning from eminent native Arabic tutors.
  • Learning in the comfort of your home and your timings.
  • Learning the Arabic language through an interactive methodology that results in the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
  • Learning the Arabic language at an affordable fee.
  • Fulfilling the obligation of learning the Arabic language
  • Understanding the Quran and Sunnah in the best way.

language of the quran academy offers you Arabic language courses along with many other courses. We give you our so that you can practice your faith in the best form.