“Allah’s inheritance to His pious servant is a righteous child who repents for him.” [Makarim Al-Akhlaaq]
Teach the Quran to your kids and make way to receive Allah’s uncountable blessings and Mercy. Alesra Academy creates a safe digital environment for the little ones and beginners so that they can learn efficiently and attain the best in this life and hereafter.
Online Quran Course for Beginners and Kids
the Prophet ﷺ said:
“Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have twice that reward.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 4937)
Such is the Mercy of our Lord! He not only rewards us for accomplishing the recitation of the Quran smoothly but also rewards us when we face some difficulty in reciting the Book of Allah!
Indeed, this is the greatest motivation to teach the Quran to our kids or to learn the Quran at any age. language of the quran academy is happy to serve the ummah by providing an online Quran course for kids and beginners that can benefit any learners into learning and reciting the Quran smoothly.
Importance of Online Quran Course for Kids
Allāh’s Messenger (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) is reported as saying: “He who called (people) to righteousness, there would be reward (assured) for him like the rewards of those who adhered to it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And he who called (people) to error, he shall have to carry (the burden) of its sin, like those who committed it, without their sins being diminished in any respect.” (Sahih Muslim 2674)
This Hadith definitely inspires us to not only memorize and recite the book of Allah but to also teach it and spread its message to others. So why not start with our kids? Also, kids have better memorization power and their young brains can catch things easily. The Online Quran Course for kids are very beneficial as:
- The kids learn about the Quran from a young age and this impacts their overall persona.
- The online Quran course for kids makes them learn the basics of Quran very effectively. And this forms a strong foundation for their further learning.
- They gain knowledge about our religion from a young age.
- The online Quran course for kids helps kids in developing interest and learning about our Deen in an interactive way.
- When they enroll in an online Quran course, they learn from the eminent and native Quran tutors that makes their learning error-free.
- The kids earn lots of rewards and good deeds from Allah SWT and can continue to do so throughout their life, making their hereafter better.
- They also make way for their parents to enter Jannah.
- The process of Hifz and implementation of knowledge from the Quran becomes easy for them.
- They become ready to become the best among the people. As the hadith states:
The Prophet said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” (Sahih Bukhari vol 6 book 61, 546)
Importance of Online Quran Course for beginners
The Messenger of Allāh (pbuh) said, “A strong believer is better and dearer to Allāh than a weak one, and both are good. Adhere to that which is beneficial for you. Keep asking Allāh for help and do not refrain from it.” (Sahih Muslim 2664)
This hadith inspires us to be the better versions of ourselves. If we have firm faith in Allah SWT but we do not know how to recite the Quran, we should not feel disheartened by it. Instead we should strive to learn the Quran irrespective of our age. We should know that Allah will not only love our learning process but will also reward us during our journey to learn the Quran recitation. Importance of online Quran Course for Beginners are:
- With the help of an online Quran course, anyone can start from the basics at any age.
- The eminent Quran Tutors online can understand your need and make a syllabus for you according to it.
- The online Quran course can help you in learning the Quran recitation in a fast and efficient manner.
- The one-on-one classes in an online Quran course can make you comfortable with your online tutor.
- You can take online classes from the comfort of your home and at your timings
- You can have a checked planner and progress to achieve your goals.

Benefits of Online Quran Course for kids and beginners
The benefits of online Quran course and classes are:
- Learning from the best native Arabic tutors that gained the Ijazah from the world renowned Al-Azhar University.
- Learning from the comfort of your home and at your timings
- Affordable fee structure and facility of choosing your own tutors makes online Quran classes a desirable choice.
- The interactive and interesting methodology, weekly tests and reports, feedback and reviews are other perks.
language of the quran academy is an online platform that can serve as the best medium to provide online Quran courses and classes for kids and beginners.
Everything about Noorani Qaida Course
Noorani Qaida can be said as the basic book that contains all about Arabic letters, their pronunciations, and the rules of Arabic language. It is basically the foundation that must be mastered if you want to learn to recite the Quran efficiently. Thus, this course is a must for all kids and beginners
Importance of Noorani Qaida
It is very important to fully read and understand Noorani Qaida if we want to memorize or recite the Quran. Primarily it introduces Arabic alphabets to us. It teaches us the correct phonetics of each letter, the Arabic vowels, and the mixing of letters. If we want to recite the Quran with Tajweed, which is a necessity, then we must learn Noorani Qaida effectively or should take help of Quran tutors online to master it.
How does Noorani Qaida benefit kids and beginners?
Being the step one, it forms a strong foundation for the kids and beginners. Through Noorani Qaida they learn:
- About the Arabic alphabet effectively.
- The difference of each Arabic letter becomes clear.
- They are able to practice their learning effectively.
- The lessons are designed in such a way that it aids in implementation of previous knowledge.
- They are able to recite the Quran with Tajweed.
Who all can be benefitted by the Noorani Qaida?
Practically anybody can be benefited by it. It is specifically used for children and beginners as they need to start from zero. But anyone who struggles with pronunciation, understanding of different letters that sound similar, and reciting the Quran with Tajweed can be benefitted by the Noorani Qaida course.
Other features of the Quran course for kids and beginners
- Learning about all the basics of Deen
- Learning of small Surahs
- Learning about the offering of daily prayers
- Learning masnoon dua
- Learning about the stories of Prophets and Sahabas and more
Other Quran Courses for kids and beginners include:
- Quran Recitation Course and Quran Recitation with Tajweed course
This course helps in gaining fluency in Quran recitation and understanding and implementing Tajweed while Recitation.
- Quran Memorization or Hifz Course
The Hifz of the Quran is a noble act that all Muslims aspire to do. Hence, when kids learn to recite the Quran at younger age, they get enough time to Hifz the Quran. Also, it becomes easier for them because of young brains.
However, one should aspire to Hifz the Quran at any age. There is no age bar for it. And we must do so to gain blessings of Allah. So hurry to attain this noble deed and gain Ijazah from the ijazah holder of higher ranks, with just one person better the eminent tutor at Alesra Academy and Sheikh huzaifi Imam Al haram!
language of the quran academy is the online Quran learning institute with eminent tutors that makes Quran Recitation, Memorization, Hifz, Ijazah, Islamic studies and many more easy and effective. Also, the flexibility of schedule from the comfort of your home makes Alesraa Academy your favorite online place of learning.