The Quran memorization course benefits all adults or kids, who want to memorize the Quran with Tajweed and attain its benefits. Our Quran memorization course is best for all those who want to become learn the Quran deeply and become Hafiz e Quran by doing Hifz. The Quran memorization course also makes you worthy of attaining Ijazah from the prominent tutors online. Our Quran tutors online have not only earned their certificates from the eminent Islamic studies institution- Al-Azhar University, but they hold ijazah with the highest sanad in the world.
Learn from the best to be the best because the memorization of the Book of Allah should be error free.
Features of the Quran Memorization course
The Quran memorization course is beneficial for all the believers who want to be closer to Allah SWT, understand the Quran and Tajweed, teach the Quran to others, and desire to be an Imam.
language of the quran academy fulfills your goals of accurate memorization of the Quran with Tajweed to gain maximum benefits of the book of Allah.
The students can opt to memorize:
- Whole of the Quran
- Few Surahs of the Quran
- Last juz (para 30) of the Quran
Ijazah is the permission the attainer gets to narrate the Quran through establishing a chain of narrators from the certified Quran tutor.
The language of the quran academy has highly qualified teachers that hold ijazah with highest sanad in the world. Also, our Quran tutors online are certified from the prestigious Al-Azhar University.
How to gain Ijazah
To earn the Ijazah a student has to memorize the Quran, recite it whole to his/her tutor, and pass his exam on Tajweed rules.
Our Methodology
Along with giving new lessons every day, we make sure to revise the previously learned lessons. Biweekly tests, quizzes, and discussions are also conducted for efficient learning.

Why is the Quran Memorization Course Necessary?
The Quran Memorization course is very necessary in today’s fast-forward life. It is saddening to see the world inclining towards westernization and commercialization. However, as believers we must know that our purpose of being on earth is not to chase this world or adapt the ways of westerners. But our goal is to engage in remembrance of Allah SWT, follow his orders, and walk on the right path. For this life is a big test and Akhirah is our result.
Hence, we must inculcate the Quran in our lives so that we may fulfill our real purpose of being in this world. The Quran Memorization course is important for every muslim because:
- We keep our connection with the Quran even in our hectic lifestyle
Working or studying is a part of life and an absolute necessity. But sometimes people get so engrossed in studying or working that they forget their real purpose. Hence, when we enroll in a Quran memorization course we learn a small portion of the Quran everyday, we understand it efficiently, and also improve our Tajweed in a span of time. The perk of the Quran memorization course is that we don’t miss on the most important thing of our lives.
language of the quran academy provides you with the best Quran memorization course at the comfort of your home with flexible timings!
- We keep earning rewards and Allah’s blessings.
Indeed, the Quran is the biggest blessing of Allah for us. Hence, we must strive to memorize it and earn rewards for reciting and memorizing it.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Indeed, this Quran is Allah’s banquet, therefore study whatever you can from it.” Indeed, Allah’s Quran is a strong rope and clear guidance, as well as a lovely remedy, protection, and salvation for those who hold to it and follow it. Nothing is bent or corrupted unless the Quran corrects it, and nothing deviates unless the Quran corrects it. Its wonders do not fade, nor does the sweetness of those who recite it be diminished by the number of times they do it. So recite it, because Allah will reward you tenfold for each letter you recite. I don’t think Alif, Laam, and Meem are a good combination. I do not say for Alif, Laam, Meem is a letter but Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter and Meem is a letter.” [Bukhari, 2910]
This hadith clearly states the importance of Quran Memorization and its benefits.
- We can create a better society
When we memorize the Quran and do it properly, for example learning and understanding each verse, knowing about its revelation, and reciting it with Tajweed, we create a change not only in ourselves but also in people around us. It happens so because we see the world and act in it through the perfect guidance that we have understanding of.
- We create better future for the next generation (kids)
Don’t we want the best for our next generation? What can be the best of the bests than helping them memorize the Quran. It benefits them both in this world and hereafter. Also, it is a well known fact that kids follow their elders. Hence, when we memorize the Quran, kids also develop interest towards our Deen and create a better future for their parents and themselves.
Benefits of memorizing the Quran
- People who memorizes the Quran becomes the best of the people
- Their ranks ascends with Memorization of the Quran
- They become people of Allah
The Prophet (PBUH) said,
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Allah has His own people among humanity.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?” The Prophet said, “They are the people of the Quran, the people of Allah and His chosen ones.” [Sunan Ibn Mājah 215]
- They become worthy of paradise and salvation from the Hellfire.
- Surah of Quran when recited keeps the reciter safe and under protection.
- The Hafiz al-Quran ascends in the level of Paradise
- Hafiz al-Quran attains the company of angels.
- The Hafiz al-Quran becomes worthy of attaining shade of Allah on the day of Judgement
- He/she also gets guided rightly under the guidance of the Quran.
- He/she keeps remembering Allah and gaining rewards even in the learning process.
language of the quran academy offers the Quran Memorization course so that every adult and kid can achieve the goal of Memorization at an affordable fee.